速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Compass XXL

Compass XXL



檔案大小:6.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:波蘭文, 英語

Compass XXL(圖1)-速報App

Free Compass smart Navigation 360 - a precise, functional and always handy. You are traveler or pirates ? Do you like visit national parks Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Yellowstone or Adirondack. Instead gps pro you can use this kompas. Rotate 360 degrees and catch orienteering !!! Every place and every time, you can use it and you know all the directions of the world.

Turn camera on (in app settings) and you can see in background preview image from the camera. Point the device on direction / object and make a photo. In this way, you get the picture an object (mountain, building, etc) that show the correct direction of the road.

Compass XXL(圖2)-速報App

Compass app doesn't need access to the internet and works properly offline anywhere in the world.

Kompas gives you the values magnetic field (uT) in a given location. Range 42-50 uT is the correct value for the operation of the compass. If you notice a deviation from these values​​, it may mean that the device is in a strong external magnetic field (equipment, installations, metal objects, etc.), which can interferes the work magnetic sensor of pro compass 360.

Compass XXL(圖3)-速報App

Have a safe trip and enjoy with Free Compass smart Navigation 360 pro !!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad